With over 200 rentals on our books, we believe our personal approach results in both happy landlords and tenants.
In December 2017 the Scottish Government introduced the new Private Residential Tenancy (PRT). The tenancy is straight forward and open ended for both the landlord and tenant. Once a tenant takes possession the tenancy will continue on a month to month basis until one party give notice. Tenants are required to give a minimum of 28 days’ notice to end the tenancy. The amount of notice a landlord must give to end the tenancy varies dependent upon the reason for doing so – ranging from 28 days to 3 months.
We ask for a deposit equivalent to one months rent (min £350.00) for each tenancy as a security for any damages and/or rents overdue at the end of tenancy. Regulation 42 of the Tenancy Deposit Schemes (Scotland) Regulations 2011, states that all rental deposits must be lodged with an approved government deposit holder within 30 working days of receipt. We use SafeDeposits Scotland. At the end of the tenancy, we access the deposit via SafeDeposits Scotland to return the deposit in the proportion agreed either in full or part deductions from damage etc. If there is dubiety over the deposit being returned in full, an adjudicator from SafeDeposit Scotland will become involved.
For more information on SafeDeposit Scotland you can visit their website https://www.safedepositsscotland.com/